Sunday, October 5, 2014

October Currently

It's not unusual that I'm late 
to Farley's
Somehow the first of every month 
seems to catch me 
when I'm not looking!
Am I the only one?

Listening: My husband sings frequently throughout the day.  It's always random stuff and usually quite loud.  To me, it's a happy kind of noise. 

Loving:  My youngest is a freshman in college these days.  She returned home this weekend to spend her fall break with those of us who love her the most.  We enjoyed some "girl time" yesterday with an overdue trip to the mall for new clothes and ice cream. 

Thinking:  My district included a fall break in the calendar this year and boy, am I grateful!  Did I mention it starts tomorrow?

Wanting: Seriously, I need someone to step up to the plate tonight and volunteer to cook supper. Any takers?

Needing: To buy groceries and finish the laundry.  Boring stuff.

Treat: I'll be teaching my non-fiction unit on Spiders when I return from our fall break.
Last year's first graders simply could not get enough of this study. 
It's currently on sale.  
Pardon the pun... I simply couldn't resist.

You can check it out HERE.


  1. You are not the only one, I am late to the party as well! Enjoy your spider activities.
    Frampton's FUNdamentals

  2. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the October Currently! I too am late to the party. I am so jealous that you have a Fall break… we do not. I am actually taking this coming monday off because I need it!
    Come and check out my current Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth
