Friday, October 10, 2014

Bat Stuff and a Freebie

It's Friday, people!

To announce it with that much gusto
you'd think I had worked all week.
However, I certainly have not.

I've been on fall break 
for most of this week and 
I won't deny that 
I've loved every minute.

My only question now is...
How many days until the next break?

I'm pleased as punch 
to participate in TBA's

Let's get started...

Like many of you, 
I'll be teaching a bat unit this month.

But when a quick peek 
at my current resources 
revealed only one copy of Stellaluna 
and 2 non-fiction books, 
I knew I had to hop
 over to Amazon and 
fill my cart with these lovelies.

After I placed my order, I began to think about a class KWL chart.
 I knew my kiddos would likely be more engaged if they could record the same information in 
a bat booklet, of sorts.

So, this product 
was created 
to meet that need.

There are pages to record 
several bat facts 
your kids might find interesting, 
a page to list what bats eat, 
where they live, 
and 2 others that are 
modeled after a KWL chart.

If you'd like a copy, go HERE.

What activities do you typically include during your study of bats?
I'd love to hear about them!

Enjoy your weekend, friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this great freebie :) We'll be reading some bat-related nonfiction this week!
