Saturday, September 13, 2014

A "Counting On" Apple Scoot Game

Hi Y'all!

Procrastination is the name of the game, 
my friends... and it seems 
I'm the local champion.

Tomorrow is Sunday
 and one would think 
my lesson plans 
would have been completed 
at this point in the week.

Sadly, they are not.
That task will be 
my number one priority 
immediately after church tomorrow...
unless I find another reason 
to avoid it and
I'm thinking that's highly likely.

I have two new products to share with you.

The first one is...

and it's a "Counting On" scoot game.
It will perfectly complement 
your apple unit and reinforce 
an important addition strategy 
at the same time. 
People, it rarely gets 
better than that.

Unless, of course, you're in need 
of supplemental materials 
for an upcoming 
Reading Street unit 
Get the Egg.
Well, guess what?!
I have a product 
to meet that need, too!

This product 
contains word sorts, 
roll and read activities, 
word family flip books,
a high-frequency word card game, 
and several other centers.
You can check out 
a more comprehensive list  
right here.

I'd love to give away 
3 copies of each one.
Leave a comment 
along with your email address 
and I'll send it in 
your direction.

Enjoy your Saturday night! 

1 comment:

  1. I would love the apple scoot game! I have been wanting to introduce this crop of firsties to scoot, and this looks like the perfect one!
