Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bulletin Board 101

Hi Everyone!
For those of you who enjoy using clipart images in decorative ways,
I have a project just for you!

Outside of my classroom door, I have
a somewhat large bulletin board
for which I'm responsible.

My first thought 
was to leave it blank 
I quickly determined 
that was probably not 
in my best interest.  

Later, while I was 
scrolling through Pinterest, 
I found this lovely idea.
imagine that!


It inspired me 
to create something similar.

So, I purchased 
this clipart collection
from TPT,
like... where else?

(available HERE)

and I chose several images 
to send to my local
 copy store
to have them enlarged.

Days later... 
my new students 
were reviewing
the combinations of 8.

Using this
adorable cow pattern 

I purchased HERE,
my kids were able 
to review a math concept
and create this friendly display 
at the same time.

Here's a close up...

You'll need to remind yourself that 
this cow was formed with scissors held in
the hand of a six year old.

Enjoy your week!

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