Friday, August 1, 2014

Five for Friday and Open House Stuff

Happy Friday!
I've just completed a week of 
inservice days with a tiny bit
of time allocated to my classroom.

Even though my kiddos 
will arrive Monday morning, 
bright and early,
 I have just enough time to
participate in Doodle Bug's
Five for Friday.

After that,
I'll be operating in
crazy mode
until the final details are complete.

Here we go...

Outside of Red Ribbon Week 
 or a Dr. Seuss decorating contest, 
I seldom decorate 
my classroom door.

However, I transferred to a new school this year and I'm making every attempt to try new things.

To correlate with the chip theme,
I prepared these prizes for my kiddos.
If you like the chip bag toppers,
you can get a copy HERE.

This week, I also created 
a photo booth
for Open House.
Here are a few props I prepared on my kitchen island while I waited on the noodles to boil.
I'm such a beast 
when it comes to multi-tasking...

Here's another bulletin board 
in which I used a clip art image 
as the focal point. 
It makes me deliriously happy to get extra mileage from my stash.
  The scissors were a 
free download from 
Dots of Fun.
It's available HERE.

and finally...

This cartoon is a perfect fit for me.
My picture hangs proudly in the 
Natural Museum of Laminators.  

In addition, 
I am the only card-carrying, 
completely certified
 laminator for the entire southeast region. 

When your librarian has a problem, she calls the laminator people.  
When the laminator people 
need additional support... 
they call me.  
I'm just that good.

Enjoy your weekend, folks!  

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