Tuesday, July 29, 2014

It's Tuesday - Time for a Book Linky

It's Tuesday, folks
and my school year
is officially in full swing.

With the kiddos arriving 
in less than a week, 
Deanna's book linky 
is the perfect time to
take a break.

I have worked incredibly hard today, 
so you'll not have to convince me 
to relax just a moment.

Here we go...

The book that I selected for this week is a favorite of mine to read during the first 
week of school.
It's just too sweet to make the children wait.

Amazon's review reads:

When Amos goes fishing he is caught by an amazing fish that takes him home 

and puts him in a bowl of air for a pet.

The illustrations are simply inviting and the story line is easy to follow.
After sharing, 
I generally follow up the story 
with a conversation 
about fact/fiction 
and the kids can always provide 
a number of examples 
for each category.
Even on the first day.

it has a variety of tier II vocabulary words
on which you could focus.
ordinary.  extraordinary.  trophy.  tattered.

If you're interested in a copy for your own classroom, you can find used copies HERE.

Now what book will YOU share?

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