Monday, June 16, 2014

Two for Tuesday

Hi, Everyone!

Have you read that
is hosting 
a fun linky called

Two For Tuesday?
Since my participation will force me to take a break from
Classroom Relocation 101,
I'm more than happy to join the fun!

Seriously, y'all...
I have spent 8 of the last 11 days moving the contents of my classroom...
absolutely everything I've collected 
over the past 24 years.
I'm talking every pencil, stamp pad,
cap eraser, chart stand, book display,

Why, you ask?

It seems that someone thought a lateral transfer to a smaller school 10 miles farther down the road would be an awesome idea.
And it was - I mean, it IS!

I had just forgotten how hard you have to work to accomplish a task of this magnitude!
Maybe some of you who've moved 
the contents of your classrooms 
can appreciate the 
WORK that's involved.
Take my poor hubby as an example...
he will need a week, 
at the very least,
to recover from this ordeal!

I'll be posting pictures 
of the new space 
just as soon as it's done.  
Until then,
I'll share with you the first project that is currently underway.
The country blue border 
(circa 1988)
simply had to go and
lime green is now on the radar.
I do believe it's shaping up nicely!

Now, back to the linky...
Two products in my store are at 50% off for one day only,
Here's a teeny glance for you to consider...

If you're in need of an author study,
I'd like to suggest one that my kids
simply adore.

It's this guy.
Tedd Arnold's series 
appeals to kiddos of all ages.
It's all about the fly...

My book study features 
anticipation guides and 
comprehension questions 
for 5 books in the series.  
There's a cutie craftivity for "Buzz", too!

Need another idea?

I simply adore this product I made for word work practice in my small groups.
It's called
and it's a collection of mats 
in which the children 
manipulate letter tiles 
* at your direction *  
to form words. 
(Honestly, if you have a need 
to teach phonics, 
this product will feed that desire.)
Strange, I know...

If you'd like more information about these
products, you can read about them 
here and here.
They're 50% off for today only!

Happy Summer!

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