Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Let's Talk Books Linky

I'm following through with
Deanna's suggestion and linkin' up with her summer book talks.
 Let's get to it, shall we?
The book that I've selected this week
was a read-aloud lesson taught by a
former librarian who has since retired.
She read it so beautifully, I knew instantly that I had to have a copy for myself.
It's just that sweet!

Here's a tiny peek at this precious story...

This is Beatrice.

Beatrice doesn't like books and she certainly
does not like the library.

But to the library she must go 
when her older brother, Henry, 
has a report to write.

While there, 
Beatrice frequently confirms 
her dislike for the library.

Every attempt her brother makes to pacify her is met with a resounding
"I don't want to!"

A day or so later, 
Henry reads an advertisement 
for a read aloud 
to be held that afternoon.

He quickly drops her off 
and disappears 
before she has a chance to say,
"I don't want to!"

At first, Beatrice refuses to listen and is even quite rude to another child.
Slowly, though... she makes a connection
to the story that makes her laugh out loud.

 Beatrice enjoys the story and asks the librarian if she can see the book.

Of course, the librarian agrees and 
Beatrice looks at all the pictures 
over and over.

Henry finally returns to retrieve his sister.
She is so captivated 
by the story that she
ignores his attempts to gain her attention.

Finally... he begs her
"Come on, Bea... It's time to go."
to which she naturally responds,
"I don't want to!"

Did I not tell you it was a precious story?

If you're interested in purchasing a copy for your classroom, you can find it here.

Now it's your turn to share!


  1. It's about finding that just right book! Thanks, Jayne
    Smart Kids
    ABCs of Reading

  2. Thanks for your comment on my post! This looks like a great book that I haven't read before. The last picture reminds me of my daughter as her latest thing to do is climb up on her chair with a book and talk to herself (and she looks as proud as can be). Nothing better than finding a love of books! :)
