Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Deanna's Summer Book Linky

Hi Everyone!

It's Tuesday, y'all!
I'm so excited to participate in
Deanna Jump's
Book Linky
this summer!
If you're anything like me,
you l.o.v.e buying new books but I don't always have time to wander the aisles 
at my local bookstore.

 Can you identify?

That's what is so lovely about Deanna's linky!
I can read the many suggestions, choose a new favorite and immediately buy it!
What's not to love about that?!

Let's get to it...

The book I want to share with you 
is one that I just learned about 
this year.
It was selected for the 
Jumpstart's 2013 Read for the Record campaign.
Did your school participate?

It's called... 

Here's just a little snippet about it...

Otis is a friendly little tractor who loves his home on the farm.  
He works hard all day with his farmer and every evening, 
he putt-putts into the stall 
that is his very own.  
Life is good for sweet, little Otis.  

One night, the farmer brings 
a beautiful calf into the barn 
where it cries and cries 
for its mama.   
The sweet baby is inconsolable 
until it hears Otis softly 
putt puff puttedy chuffing
in the next stall.  
The two become inseparable friends.  

Later, the farmer purchases 
a big yellow tractor 
that succeeds in robbing Otis 
of all the work he once enjoyed. 

Otis is even expelled 
to the back of the barn 
where the grass grows taller than his tires.  
He falls into a deep depression 
where even his friend 
cannot reach him.

Sometime thereafter, 
baby calf wanders away from the farm 
and finds itself 
in a dangerous situation.  
Who can save baby calf?  
You'd think 
Big Yellow Tractor
 has the ability, 
but Otis has something stronger...
the power of friendship!

This book is simply precious.
Its theme is very similar to

if you're familiar with these two. 
If you'd like to purchase Otis,
you can click here.

Now it's your turn to link up! 


  1. Sounds like a great book. Added to my wish list! Thanks!
    Growing Little Learners

  2. We are reading Otis tomorrow and doing some farm animal drawing and writing! I love this book, too! :)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
