Thursday, June 19, 2014

Danny and the Dinosaur - An Author Study

Hi Everyone!

If what I've seen 
on other teacher blogs 
is an indication of a common practice 
in classrooms from the east to the west, it's
author studies...
and I have an oldie, but goodie,
for you!

My own kiddos always loved reading the
Danny and the Dinosaur series.
Maybe that's because they're easy to navigate and first graders seem to have a natural curiosity about the big beasts.   
Plus, the author tosses in 
plenty of the silly stuff 
to make it highly engaging 
and just plain... 

We simply needed to know more about the author so I created this product.

Here's a sneak peek 
at most everything I included...

I'd love to share it with 3 people.
If you're interested, leave a comment
(with your email address)
about an author study you 
conduct in your own classroom.

If you would still like a copy after the freebies are gone, you can find it

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