Sunday, June 22, 2014

Sunday Smorgasbord

Hi Everyone!
It's Sunday / Fun Day
and I'm participating in a new linky...
new to me, that is.

It's called

and I'll hope you'll link up, too!


Baby Girl graduated from high school 
just a few short weeks ago.  
In August, she'll be attending 
the University of South Alabama 
(sniff sniffso we're quite busy 
buying lots of stuff 
for her dorm room.  


One of the items on my "to do" list this summer was to have a professional make over the shrubbery area in my front yard.  My dear hubby and I have previously made 3 attempts in recent years, all of which failed.  
Believe me, we were long overdue 
to make an appointment 
with someone who knew 
what they were doing.
Now it's so lovely.
I just hope I can keep it that way.


Here is a pic of my former classroom.
It's a mess because I 
had a midlife crisis
decided to move to a smaller school 
where I'll work with a close friend from my college days.
When I made the commitment to go, 
I clearly wasn't thinking 
how much WORK was involved.
Goodness gracious! 


My Erin Condren lesson planner arrived this last week!  It is simply beautiful and 
I can't imagine teaching without one.  
They're just that lovely!
(Can you tell I'm from the south?  
Everything here is lovely.) 


And finally... let the countdown BEGIN!
There are approximately 85 days remaining
until the new season begins and
I, personally, can't WAIT!

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