Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Welcome, 2014! We've Been Waiting!

Happy New Year to You and Yours!

I'm joining Farley's
January Currently
for a bit of linky fun on this otherwise
 rainy start to the new year.
Seriously, will the sun ever shine again? an otherwise quiet house.  
We have had guests for days and days 
(not the same ones, mind you!)
so it's been quite nice 
to return to our regular routine.

Loving... that I have almost 
another week at home.  
Although I still have lots of things to accomplish before I return to school, I still have time to be lazy for one more day.

Thinking... how dreary it is outside.
It rained (yet again) this morning and it's going to be raining again tomorrow.
It's not that I am a rain-hater, 
I do like the rain as much as the next person, however it's been overcast for days and days.
Enough already! Geez!

Wanting... my "to do" list to be DONE.
If I allocate my remaining time properly, there's still time to complete 
on my to-do list.
Yeah, sure... whatever I need to tell myself.
(See the Loving... comment)

Needing... to revisit my resolutions, ALREADY!
Seriously, my one little word for 2014 is quiet.
This year I'll be practicing the art of keeping one's opinion to oneself unless self is asked to express oneself.
(Did you get that?)

By 10:30 a.m. I had blown it already.
This is going to be more difficult 
than I thought.

Tradition...  My sisters (along with their families) and my little family of four usually gather at my parents' home for 
fireworks and a bonfire.
It's simply another opportunity to fellowship together and eat. 

Happy New Year Everyone!


  1. I understand about breaking New Year's resolutions, I already broke mine too. My word is enjoy. Try to enjoy the moment and I did not enjoy taking down the ornaments today with my 3 year old. Oh well, there's always tomorrow! Good luck with your "quiet" this year! Have a great 2014!
    Love Teaching Kids

  2. I love your resolution!! I think I should add that to my list of resolutions! Happy new year :)
