Saturday, November 30, 2013

Have You Heard?

Have you heard?
My friend Christine, 
over at Preslar's Place 
is hosting a 
12 Days of Christmas Freebies 
on her blog and 
I, for one, want to be there!
Not only will she make available free products from her store 
for one hour each evening, but
others have been invited 
to participate as well.

I'm going... what about YOU?

My contribution is a sweet little literacy center 
I whipped up for this occasion.  
I figure with the holidays fast approaching, 
I need to keep as much text in front of my kiddos as I can and
I believe this game 
might just do the trick.
You can get it HERE.
I hope you enjoy it!

Now prance on over to Christine's on December 1st 
about 8 o'clock CST 
to grab a freebie or two. 
She's expecting you, so hurry!

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