Sunday, January 5, 2014

Hearts, Kisses, and a Freebie

One of my New Year's resolutions 
was to blog more frequently and while I realize we're only 5 days into the new year, I am excited to say this is Post #2!

Please try and remember we all have to start somewhere...

My other resolution included 
drinking more water 
and I'm sad to say that
as of today... 
January 5th, 
I've had 
8 additional glasses per day
5 glasses...
only 1 glass in the last 5 days.

Is that even measurable improvement?
Perhaps I should attempt this again next year.

In any case,
if you arrived here in search of 
valentine activities, I have good news!

This collection of activities
is certain to keep your kiddos engaged during the week of Valentine's Day.

Here's a sample...

and finally,

I'd love to give away a few freebies to the first three to leave a comment along with your email address, too. 

After that, it will be available HERE.

Happy Sunday!


  1. I'd love to have a copy, thanks!

  2. How fun! I would love to have a copy!

  3. HI Leslie! I love your activity! And I just had to write to tell you that I am right with you on the water. I KNOW I need to drink more. Why is it hard?! I don't get that- but I totalllllly get what you are saying!
    Happy New Year!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
