Wednesday, November 27, 2013

A Freebie, A Funny, and New Products

Hello Friends,
Sometime around October 6th, 
(the date of my last post), 
I seem to have fallen into a swirling vortex of Halloween, 
Red Ribbon Week,
fundraising at the BEAST level, 
teaching, and
life in general.
Did I mention laundry?
Can you relate. at. all?

If any case, I do have a few things to share with you today.
If you've got the time, 
I'll start with a funny or two.

Just recently
in my classroom,
I overheard one first grader 
explain to another...

"Japanese and Chinese people are the same.
They ALL speak Spanish." 

Or what about my incredibly impulsive friend who walked into her speech teacher's classroom where she squealed with delight at  the picture of an ocean animal she recognized on the table.
Little friend began to s.h.o.u.t.

"I know what THAT is!  
It lives in the ocean!
I KNOW what that animal is!
It's a coctupus!"

I'm sorry to inform you 
speech class will be delayed today. 
Mrs. Speech Teacher 
had to step out for a moment.
Next up is an unusual freebie for you.
I developed this checklist for a young friend in my classroom who needed more frequent
feedback than the traditional clip chart I use for behavior management.
You'll need to draw in your own happy, straight, and sad faces in the circles before you copy it.
I admit I was a tad bit distracted by the laundry and this was one of those things that just didn't get done.
I hope this saves you a bit of time.
Go get it here.

Next up... Thanksgiving stuff.
Last week, I read this delightful story to my little friends.
You can read the reviews 
if you're interested, 
but basically...
 Turkey is in trouble.
He is scheduled to be consumed for Thanksgiving dinner unless he can
disguise himself.
First graders were then given a copy of a turkey to disguise for themselves.
The results are always wonderful surprises!
Here are a few for your viewing pleasure...
How wonderful is THAT?!

Hold on, we're nearing the end...
I just completed two new projects.
(I took a 7 week break from that, too.)

First up is a Fly Guy study.
My firsties have recently discovered this series and like so many before them,
they l.o.v.e. Fly Guy!

This collection actually includes activities for 5 books in the series.  
You can go here to read more about it.
If you'd like a FREE copy, be one of the first three to leave a comment (with your email address) and I'll send along a copy just for you.

I also just completed this for my Reading Street friends.
 If you'd like a FREE copy of this product,
be one of the first three to leave a comment and it's yours.
After that, you can find it here.
I hope you'll like it!

In closing, 
I wish you a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!



  1. I would love to have these activities! Thanks!

  2. Leslie, I LOVE those stories! They are the best. Your disguised turkeys are tooo cute! And...yes... I have LOADS of laundry to do. :( I totally get that one!
    Happy Break!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
