Sunday, October 6, 2013

It's Currently... October

Of course, there are 14 other things I should be doing
on this rainy Sunday afternoon.  However, none of them would
be more fun than linkin' up with 
 for October's Currently.
It's a rainy Sunday afternoon at my house and most everyone is napping - except me, of course.  
How could I type and nap at the same time? 
I guess anything is possible since I have been known to rest my eyes in any check-out lane that's moving too slowly. 
What can I say?  I love a good nap, too.
My dear friend the weatherman has forecast cooler temperatures
for our area next week.  
It's for that reason that fall is my favorite time of year.
  Cool, crisp temperatures.
Forget the long sleeves!  Forgo the boots and scarves!
Bring on the short sleeves and the joy of being comfortable!
Believe it or not.  
This 40 something year old wife and mother to 2 (practically) grown children LOVES The Walking Dead.
In fact, my children and I even drove over to Senoia, GA last summer (where the series was being filmed)
in hopes of watching them film a scene or two.
We missed them all by about an hour.
So sad.
Three Two scoops of lime sherbet drowning in ginger ale and served
in a plastic cup would be the ultimate dessert right about now.
 Not a glass, mind you.
I prefer plastic.
Tupperware, specifically.
Yes, I am in need of another Monday shirt.
If you knew me you would recognize the fact that I am a creature of habit and I adore my Monday shirt.  I rest assured in knowing that no matter what the day might bring, I know I'll be okay as long as I'm wearing my faithful, brown, short-sleeve Monday shirt.
It's just how I roll.

That changed last week on Monday, September 26th.
Parent Report Day.
I happened to run into a former first grade student whose mother was re-enrolling him into our school for second grade.
I stopped to make polite conversation with him.
You know the kind...
How was your summer?
My, how you've grown!
Etc... Etc...
About the time I'm ready to bring our little chat to a close,
the kiddo points to my shirt and
says... wait for it...
"I remember that shirt!  You used to wear it ALL the time!"
I was able to control my foot from making contact with his shin.
 Tee Hee!

I'll have to save the shoe story for next time.
Enjoy the season, friends!


  1. I just joined up with the linky today too! We had the rain and warmer temps yesterday and it has cooled off today. :)
    C is for Cookies, Cakes, Children, Classroom, and Crafts

  2. Leslie- I am just getting around to getting to visit my favorite blogs! OH MY GOSH that shirt comment made my day. That would be so me. I wear black and brown - always. What is with that?! And that lime sherbet and gingerale sounds perfect. Three scoops may slip in there. :) OK finally- I am SO with you on the naps. They are the best ever. Cozy blanket and a nap= perfect! Have a great weekend!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
