Saturday, August 17, 2013

Let's Get Shopping!

Shh!  If you must talk, 
be as quiet as a mouse.
Dear 'ole hubby is sound asleep while I burn the midnight oil preparing for a 
site-wide sale at TPT!
The doors open at midnight 
so I've got to be ready!
Graphic by Amy Lemons
Here's a little sample of products that will be available 
from my own store...
This product is a fun display for tracking those AR points!
I expect even the most reluctant readers 
will want to be BEASTS!

maybe you're in need of writing prompts?
My own little friends love these to pieces!

you want to get a head start on a science unit perfectly suited 
for the month of October?

This product is available, too!
It's a number sense game my own friends will enjoy as early as...

I'll also have a new behavioral management product in my store.
It's called
and its theme is one in which most children can identify.

In fact... my own sweet teenager understands this management system very well, in fact.  She saw the 
"make bad choices - get in trouble" 
theory unfold before her very eyes.  
That's because she happened to be with me when Mr. New Recruit Trooper felt the need to reward me with a second ticket 
in less than one month!
I mean, REALLY?!
It saddens me to say 
we're on a first name basis now.

He didn't try to understand, 
nor was he concerned,
that it was a Friday afternoon and I was able to leave school before 6:00 that night! 

He clearly didn't care either that I had just consumed two candy bars and one soda!  
I tried to explain that the windows were down, the wind was in my hair, and my baby girl and I were singing 
White Wedding Day 
at the tops of our lungs!
I'm thinking all that caffeine must have gone straight to my foot, 
but it no longer matters.

Mr. New Recruit Trooper wasn't receptive to anything I said and eventually...
I just stopped talking altogether.
I'm thinking that's probably 
what I should do now.

Anyway... lots of my products are on sale tomorrow and Monday!
Use the code BTS13 to receive an additional savings!

Click HERE to go to my store!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Leslie! SORRY about that ticket. :( They can so ruin your day so fast. :( I remember getting my second ticket in college and I just didn't think it was important to tell my dad... like he wouldn't find out when the insurance company called. DUH... Lesson learned.
    Your products look AWESOME! I hope you have a great class this year!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together
