Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Let the Reading Begin!

Our library has officially opened its doors for the 2013-14 school year and I couldn't be more excited.  
It's time to... Let the Reading Begin!
You see, my school celebrates reading with the use of Accelerated Reader and while the program has its detractors, 
I rather like it.
Kids who reach their goal are rewarded at the end of the grading period with bingo games and bubble gum, an ice cream sundae, or a variety of trinkets.
(Of course, had AR been around when I was a child I would have been one of the few who read for  the sheer pleasure of reading. However, I was smart enough to know the value of a good trinket for goodness sake.
Say what you will.  It's just how I roll.)

This is my newest product and it's all about motivating kiddos to read.
 I've taken what was once a display in my classroom for AR quizzes and converted it into a student resource.
Now my kids can keep track of their own progress!
Here's how it works...
Each level features an animal 
with 10 circles on it.  
Kiddos read a book, 
then take and pass an AR quiz.  
They're then given one of these 
handy-dandy stickers for their chart.
10 stickers = 10 quizzes
Each page also features a fun fact about the animal, a graph for recording the types of books they're reading and most importantly...
a badge for having completed that level!
(Kinda reminiscent of Candy Crush, 
except... well, it's not.)

There are 20 levels to complete.  
You may or may not want to include them all.  It's all up to you!
I'd like to give a copy (or three) away.
Leave a comment to enter - complete with your
 email address.
I'll announce the winners next Tuesday night!




  1. Leslie, this is adorable! I love your motivation idea! The kids will eat it up! ;)
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  2. so cute! I guess I missed the deadline, but still wanted to send some love!

    I am your newest follower :)

    Mindful Rambles
