Monday, August 12, 2013

It's All About Me!

Today I'm linkin' up with 
for Teacher Week 2013.
Today is Monday and this day is all about Me!
 I'm rather embarrassed to list 10 random facts about myself, but after reading about other people I'm finding that I'm pretty much like everyone else.
That's comforting in a weird sort of way.
Anyway, here goes...

1. I'm married to this man and we just celebrated our 21st anniversary.  He finds it so funny that I stalked him in church (and I actually did!).   This was only because he had a lovely bald head and I seem to be attracted to that feature.  

2.  We have two children.  Our son is 19 and attending a local junior college.
3.  Our daughter will begin her senior year in one week.  
My how time flies.
 4.   We also share our home with these two lovely ladies...
and Priscilla.  
Our pups absolutely enrich our lives and 
I'm so pleased our God thought to create them!

5.  I love to redeem coupons and
6.  watch scary movies!  Do any of you remember this one?
I've probably seen it in excess of 50 times.  
7.  I grew up with this lady and now own all the CD's in the Bewitched series.
I always thought she was so lovely.
8. I collect antiques and I especially love rooster stuff.
9.  This silly game is my new favorite.  My daughter and I are seriously addicted. 
and finally... 
10.  I LOVE to laugh!  

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

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