Friday, May 1, 2015

Five for Friday

Happy Friday, Folks!

I'm excited to link up with
from Doodlebugs Teaching
for another

Here we go!

My Donor's Choose project 
was fully funded by
a sweet librarian 
who provided the funds 
for our new Poppleton books!
Seriously, who doesn't love 
the Poppleton series?

Auburn University's mascot,
visited my school for a recent celebration and I was so, SO excited 
(and a tiny bit embarrassed) 
to have my picture made with him.

Auburn is my hometown 
and for those of you 
who've never visited, it's truly
the loveliest village on the plains.


This lovely librarian
 served doughnuts to my class when all of my kids met their reading goal for the quarter. 
We've now met her challenge 
for the entire year!

 Of course, I celebrated this achievement with my kids and I may or may not have but definitely did consume more than the
recommended daily allowance.   

I actually had to pause in my driveway this morning to allow this lovely goose to cross.

Strange, but true!

And finally...

1 comment:

  1. That's great your class met their reading goals & how sweet of the librarian to provide the donut treats!

    Learning at the Teacher Table
