Friday, April 24, 2015

Stop, Swap and Roll!

 Jungle Learners
is hosting another product swap and
I'm so pleased to participate.
 It's round TWO for me!
Thank you so much, Melissa!

For this event, I was partnered with 
Gina from
Miss Peluso’s Kindergarten

Gina is a chocolate lovin' 
kindergarten teacher 
from Connecticut 
who recently adopted 
a furry pup she calls Dexter. 
  Is he not the cutest 
bundle of furry goodness?

Oops, I digress...

 Shortly after 
Gina and I were introduced,
I was able to go shopping in her store
where this product caught my eye.

 My own classroom lacks the space necessary for the traditional writing center... 
you know, the one in the corner of your classroom stocked with several types of writing paper, access to the word wall, pencils, crayons, office supplies, etc...

 Gina's product eliminates the need for an "official" writing space by taking the
 writing center TO YOUR KIDS!

  They're customizable for grades K-2 and I especially liked being able to select the resources best suited for my kids.  

Need to see it in action?

 Gina's adorable office cover sets the stage for a serious writing time.  

My kids were so impressed with the 
April dictionary of words. 
Maybe you'd like even more options?
 Gina is so sweet to make a new monthly dictionary available for you to download at the beginning of each month.
How cool is that?!

Gina offers other resource options, too.
These include color words, prefixes, suffixes, blends, silent e, and many MORE!
Once again, you're free to select the resources that are 
best suited for your class.

It's just that simple!
  With 3 file folders and a bit of packing tape, my kids were highly motivated to write and I attribute it all to Gina's writing office.  

Want to win a copy of your very own?
You can enter to win down below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Don't forget to check out 
the product that Gina chose 
from my store.
You can find her review HERE.
And you'll also want to take a peek at the other product swaps and enter their give-aways, too!


  1. This sounds fab! I am lucky enough to have a 'Writing Table' but this means that if the 2 spaces are filled, even more children can be writing- and whats not to love about that! Thank you so much for your fab pictures of it in use and also explaining how you made the foldable 'Office' x

  2. What an awesome product! I think this would really help some of my writers who are easily distracted. It gives them all the tools they need without having to leave their seat.
    Thanks for sharing!

  3. This is fantastic! It would be good for reading support, too.
    Deb @Not very fancy in 1st

  4. This is a fabulous resource!! Last year I had a writing table and it wasn't very big so it was always crowded. This is the answer! Haha. I'm adding it to my wishlist and will keep my fingers crossed for your giveaway. Thank you for a fantastic post Leslie! :)

    Jungle Learners

  5. This looks like an amazing resource!!! My students LOVE writing so this would be something I know they would enjoy!! Thanks for sharing how you used it!

