Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Two for Tuesday and a Freebie!

It's week 5, friends
and I'm linkin' up with
summer linky party and 
you're invited to play along, too!
Simply offer two products 
at 50% for today only.  
It's just that easy!

This week, I'm featuring one of my favorites.
It's called Watch Your Speed
and it's a behavioral management system 
with which most littles can identify.
Sadly, I know I can!

This product is kinda-sorta
 like the clip charts 
you've seen on Pinterest...
with one difference.

Instead of each kiddo moving a clip
 from one color card to the next,
the kiddo manipulates a colored car in response to his/her choices.

You'll need a sheet of poster board and a library pocket for each student.
Assembly is required - but not much!
You can find this product HERE.
It's 50% off today only!

my district adopted 
the Reading Street series(2008) 
a few years ago.

The following product was developed over the course of the first year out of a need to practice the high-frequency words introduced
with each story.

It features a card game to reinforce the high frequency words 
for every story 
for the ENTIRE year.

Honestly, my own kiddos play it daily 
(year after year) 
and they never seem to tire of it.  

This product also includes a vocabulary card for every high frequency word. 
Here you'll see the high frequency words for
Sam, Come Back
Pig in a Wig.
The clipart images also help you remember to which story it belongs!
You can get this product HERE.
It's 50% off today only!

if you've stayed with me this long...
I have a freebie for you.

My original grading scale
(something my district requires)
was old... and tired.
It got a much needed make-over this week.

If you would like a copy, 
you can check it out HERE.

If you would consider it,
please give me a 

right HERE! 
I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy your Tuesday!

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