Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Deanna's Book Linky and a Give-Away

This week I'm linkin' once again 
with Deanna Jump's 
book linky.
This has been great fun, yet I have to be honest here... it has not been kind to my
Amazon account!

This week I have an old favorite.
It's called...

Have you read it?

Amazon's description reads...

Natasha isn't really a bad girl. 
It's just that she wants 
to play on the swing now, 
not after the wash has been hung up to dry. 

And she wants her soup now, 
not after the goats have been fed. 

Looking after Natasha keeps Babushka, Natasha's grandmother, very busy. 

Then, after lunch, 
Natasha notices a doll 
sitting on Babushka's shelf...
a doll Babushka tells Natasha she played with just once when she was a little girl.

When Natasha plays with the doll while Babushka goes to the store for groceries, 

she discovers why once is enough with Babushka's doll.

She also discovers just how tiring it can be to take care of a child who wants everything now.

When her grandmother returns, 
Natasha tearfully explains how she was so mistreated by the spoiled doll.
She vows that she does not have any desire to play with it again.
Once was certainly enough.

If you're interested in purchasing a copy for yourself, you can get it HERE.

 Before I close for the evening
I have a freebie or two I'd like to share.


This is ONE component I'm adding to my calendar routine this year.
It reinforces counting by 1's, 5's, and 10's.
Here's a quick picture for you...

I'll give away 3 copies.
Leave a comment with your email and I'll send it along to you shortly.

And if that's not enough...
this is a new product, too.

It's an author study based on the 
following 3 books:
Curious George
Curious George Rides a Bike
Curious George Goes to the Hospital
and I'd love to share it with 3 people.

Simply leave a comment about your favorite author study and my dear hubby will select 3 winners in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. I just came across this book today as I was organizing my class library for the umpteenth time! : ) I love Babushka's Doll- the illustrations and the expressions are so beautiful. Not to mention what a great story! It makes me think of my precious grandma! Thank you for sharing. I am your latest follower. I would love to have you follow me! http://mrsgarrettsgroovykindergarten.blogspot.com
