Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Have You Seen This Man?

No... he hasn't appeared on any milk cartons recently.
But you might know him just the same. 

He's often in the company of his fine cat, Tabby, 
and his neighbor, Mrs. Teaberry.
I know you're probably thinking,
 "You know... he does look familiar."
Rather than prolong the guessing any longer,  
I'll go ahead and share with you.
It's Mr. Putter!
(You were probably going to guess his name next, 
weren't you?)  Yeah.  Right.  Whatever.

In any case, my kiddos just completed a book study about this lovely man.
He is, by far, one of my favorite characters and my kids 
 thoroughly enjoyed him as well. 

Despite the vast age difference.

So, to culminate this study I decided we needed to MAKE Mr. Putter
and compare/contrast him with Zeke, Mrs. Teaberry's dog.
Here are two more excellent representations...

I love this "uncertain" expression!  

And here's a quick shot of the complete display.

Mr. Putter(s) in all their glory.

I'll be back in a few days with a template for you.
He's just too fun not to share!
Happy Reading!


  1. These are too cute and we're doing Mr. Putter this week! Did you ever have a chance to share the template? I'd love to use it!

    Apples, Crayons, and Caffeine
