Thursday, September 27, 2012

You'll Never Guess

... who stopped by to visit us at school today! You might know him as John Chapman although most kids won't recognize him by that name.  Go ahead.  Guess again.  

Are you thinking of this man?

clipart by

If so, you're right!

Johnny Appleseed!  
In the flesh!

This kind friend visits the first grade classes at my school every year.  
He absolutely mesmerizes our young friends with tales of indians,
walking barefoot in the snow, and planting seeds.
Honestly, you could have heard a pin drop in our activity center!
All eyes were on Johnny!

Before he concludes his program he teaches everyone a song
about himself and he answers a question or two.  
(Most kids ask, "How old are you?" )

I'm so grateful for our friend who gives of his time each year!

Does your school recognize this day in any way?  
Please leave a comment.
I'd love to hear from you!

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