Saturday, September 1, 2012

My Classroom Space

I had hoped to participate in a linky party sharing  my classroom space, however that goal was made before I started my second week of school.    Seriously, with just 10 days under my belt I am completely exhausted.   I've even tripled my coffee intake and that's not helping either.  In any case, I'd like to share where I spend too many hours during the week. 
You've seen this same display on pinterest, most likely.
It should have the children's names on the owls
but with faculty, grade-level, mentor and accreditation meetings all demanding 
what's left of my time, it's still on my "to-do" list.  Sad face. 

The blue bookshelf is my most favorite piece of furniture in my classroom.  
I think it's the coat of paint it received this summer. 
Simply refreshing.
To the left is a "whole group" area of sorts.
In the middle, desks for 19 friends. 
The green curtain hides lots of bins, tubs and other "stuff" 
that doesn't need to be on display.  
Finally, this side of the room holds my desk, more storage
behind that lovely green curtain and our only two 
windows.  Nice view of the playground and an oversized 
parking lot.  
Please excuse the unsightly carpet and the two cans of
paint needing to be removed.
(I wish I had noticed those things before I snapped
the picture.  Really embarrassed now.)

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