Sunday, August 26, 2012

Clipart Addiction

Seriously.  I'm not afraid to admit this weird fondness I have for clipart.  My obsession began last summer when I purchased my first collection (owls, I think) and used it to create a tiny project for my classroom.  After that... well, my life just hasn't been the same. 

If you can identify with my story, please don't let the social stigma prevent you from seeking the help you need!  Here's a quick survey to test if you're at risk of developing this strange disorder.  If you react in any form to 4 of the 5 questions, we might need to form a support group.  

* Do you subscribe to multiple websites that create clipart?
* Do emails that  announce a new collection make your heart skip a beat?
* Do you search for new clipart collections morning. noon. and. night?
* Can you recognize the work of specific artists in other places other than their own websites?
* Do you sometimes select a clipart collection first and then think of an activity or game to go with it?

There's no shame in admitting you responded to all five.  
You definitely need help. 
Don't we all?! 

On a lighter note... I am lovin' how the use of clipart can jazz up the most mundane activity in my classroom.  It's the calendar and it's not my most favorite part of the day.  
(Am I the only one?)

I thought my problem could be resolved by creating a bright calendar... one that's cute.  And I immediately thought of clipart and scrapbook paper, my "go to" supplies.  

Here are three of the monthly charts I created:


How do you maintain interest in your most mundane part of the day?

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