Sunday, August 12, 2012

Newbie Alert!


Last summer I stumbled across a series of first grade blogs that literally changed my life.   Of course, I had just completed my 21st year of teaching and I could certainly navigate my way around a first grade classroom but this experience was like nothing I had ever experienced (cue the angelic choirs).   I was totally captivated by all that I saw!   Honestly, to have such a wealth of "stuff" available at the click of my mouse was simply beyond my comprehension!

Fast forward one year later... I am pleased to announce that I've learned a thing or two or more in recent months.  I have hopped from blog to blog, read thousands of posts and left a comment or two.  With my vast blog-hoppin' experience,  I believe I can now download and upload with the best of the best.   I certainly can create new activities and possibly share a thing or two from my own classroom.   So with the start of school exactly one week away it seems to be as good a time as any to create a blog and perhaps give back to the community of teachers who have been so kind to share with me.  

That's my story.  And I'm sticking to subject to changing it tomorrow.

Even if you landed here totally by accident, please leave a comment anyway.   


  1. I'm happy to be your first follower! Diana designed my blog also...isn't she FANTASTIC? Love your design! I'm a 2nd grade teacher and new blogger, also!

    Teaching Maddeness

  2. Diana designed my blog as well. I saw her post about your new blog so of course I had to come check it out! I just started blogging as well so I'm right there with you! :)

    Sensational Seconds

  3. Welcome to blogging! Your blog is adorable and I could tell right away that Diana did it. She did my blog too!

    I am happy to be your newest follower. I would love for you to hop over and visit me when you get the chance. =)

    Heather's Heart
