Monday, August 13, 2012

Color Word Display

Seven years ago I moved into my current classroom and I brought with me the color word display from my former space and promptly slapped it on the wall.   It served many groups of children who happened to pass through my classroom on their way to second grade.   Despite being faded and fairly unattractive, it was what it was.

This year I had a moment of inspiration while out  shopping with a friend.   I found these "gingerbread" templates at our local school supply store and I used them to create these kids.  Each one is dressed in a specific color made from a combination of construction and scrapbook paper.  I added chalk for the rosy cheeks and googly eyes, too. 

Since you didn't get to see the old display you'll just have to take me at my word that this is considerably better!

 She's my favorite.  I think it's the shoes.

Lovely bangs, don't you think?

and finally...

This dude.  Seriously, I'm lovin' the socks and shoes.

Thanks for stopping by!

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