Saturday, November 14, 2015

Five for Friday

Hi All!
It's time for some Five for Friday fun.

Here are a few random things that 
happened in my corner of the world this week.

Some of the most imaginative ladies 
 work at my school.  
Specifically, the lunchroom staff.
Seriously, these ladies decorate the lunchroom 
(and themselves!) 
around a specific theme about three times a year.  

Recently it was the 
1950's Rock and Roll era.

With Elvis singing Blue Suede Shoes, 
our lunch period was especially festive.

Reps from our local zoo 
came to visit 
our first grade kids this week. 

They brought an assortment of 
reptiles, birds, and mammals.
Here are a few pics of our favorites.

Three Banded Armadillo

Barred Owl

 White's Tree Frog... 
named for the man who discovered him
(obviously not for his color).

My precious pup has had serious dental issues since 
we rescued her several years ago.  
At a recent vet visit 
it was determined she needed 
to have all of her teeth pulled.  
I tell you she was so pitiful for a day or two. 

Like, who wouldn't be?!

   Thankfully she has completely recovered and is now
thoroughly enjoying her new diet of soft food.

Shopping with box-top funds is pure joy.
Can you relate?

And finally...

Enjoy your weekend, friends!

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