Friday, January 30, 2015

Stop, Swap and Roll (Product Swap) and a Give-Away

Happy Saturday, Folks!

Today, I'm pleased as punch
to join other bloggers
for a fun product swap
sponsored by
Melissa at
Jungle Learners

For this swap, I was paired with the lovely
Amy from
She is a busy wife, mom, and 
reading specialist from
the great state of Pennsylvania! 

Amy has an absolute plethora of activities in her store, all disguised as FUN, so it was quite a challenge to select just one product.

I finally decided on her game... 

With its snowman theme, it was perfectly suited for the time of year 
I would be introducing
this skill to my firsties. 

There are 3 highly-engaging games in
Amy's product, however I knew I wanted to 
 incorporate the "write the room" activity into my center time.
My kids had not been exposed to such a game and I was eager to give them another reason to leave their seats.  
With a class make-up of two-thirds BOYS,
you can probably understand the need!
Bless my heart!

Prep could not have been any easier.
Just print, cut, and tape the cards 
around the room... literally!
You might want to provide your kids with  clipboards 
and then...
let them go!

Here are a few pics of this 
fun game in action.  

This firstie found a card on a spelling
bulletin board.

Then he noticed one taped to a stereo,

and one taped to a shelf, 

and one on a closet door.
Absolutely any space in your classroom
is more than suitable for this activity!

I also loved how Amy's product included all the necessary recording sheets 
so your kiddos can be
held accountable for their work.
That alone makes my job so much easier.

I encourage you to tip-toe on over to 
Amy's store and check out her other products.
She has a wide, WIDE assortment of
activities for whole group, small group,
intervention, etc...
Go See!

I mentioned a give-away, too!
Amy has graciously agreed to allow me to give away a free sample of her fun game
plus another product of your choice.

It's simple to enter!

There are MORE giveaways going on during this product swap.
Amy's even giving away one of my products.  Go see her HERE.
Be sure and visit these other blogs for more giveaway opportunities!


  1. I loved reading your post Leslie! My students always LOVE around the room centers!! It gets more tricky the more you have to get more creative with where you hide the cards! Haha. Thank you for joining the swap!

    Jungle Learners

  2. Thanks Leslie for the giveaway! So glad your students loved the game!!!! Can't wait to do it again!
