Thursday, January 1, 2015

January Currently

Happy New Year!
It's so nice to have a fresh start, 
don't you agree?

Anyway... I'm linking up with 
to kick off the new year.

Listening: We're currently between ballgames at my house.  Hubby is napping so it's just me and the dehumidifier.  My life is so exciting, I know.  

Loving:  The afternoon I spent with my parents watching THE Auburn Tigers in the Outback Bowl. Although my mother served a wonderful lunch (peas and cornbread!) and we were all sporting our Auburn colors, my team sadly lost. We'll regroup and return next year. There's always hope in next year. 
Kudos to YOU, Wisconsin! 

Thinking: I am a list-maker and every year during my Christmas break, I make an impossible "to do" list.  This year is kicking my bottom because I'm not remotely getting close to completing it.

Wanting: My pup, Brownie, is not well.  We made an emergency trip to the vet hospital last weekend and after a round of meds, he's still not on the mend.  We have an appointment with our regular vet tomorrow.

Needing: My lesson plans are not complete for next week!  My teacher friends had them done before we left school 2 weeks ago!  

Yes: I should GET UP and go for a walk before the soaking rain that's forecast for our area arrives later today.  I really should... just.get.up.

Wanting: I had an earlier conversation with our vet yesterday.  Her prognosis was not good for my furry friend. Perhaps after she examines him, she'll have better news.

Wishing: I desperately want to attend a professional development seminar in Mobile in 2 weeks.  My district, however, has not approved these type requests in YEARS.
What's up with THAT?!  Folks, Kim Adsit is presenting! 

Happy New Year to YOU and YOURS! 


  1. My to-do list gets items checked off but it seems like for every one I check off...5 more things get added!

    I hope your PD wish comes true! Fingers crossed.

    A Rocky Top Teacher

  2. Sorry to hear your dog isn't feeling well! It's hard when a pet is sick and you don't know how to help them. :(

    Stumbled onto your blog through Farley's Currently link-up! Cute blog name. :)

    - Katy
    First Grade Kate

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your pup!! I hope you get some good news soon! I'm also sorry about your Tigers...but at least they did better than my Gators!
    -Elyse @ A is for Apples

  4. I hope your fur baby feels better soon! I hope you can go to your conference. Kim would be awesome to see! I think it's crazy how we practically have to BEG to go to great professional development.

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas
