Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Break Goodness and a Freebie

It's my pleasure to link up with 

Freebie Fridays
for the last March freebie.
Where does the time go?!

Before I share my freebie,
I simply must show you what I've been up to this week.
It's been SPRING BREAK for me and 
I've enjoyed every last minute!

On Monday,
we packed our suitcases, 
a cooler, 
some groceries for the road trip,
two pups,
and we headed for the mountains.

It's my absolute favorite vacation destination.
No beach for me, no sirree!

I guess that's because the sheer
 beauty of the mountains surpasses anything 
I could ever experience at the beach.
Just my opinion.

The following photos might explain my thinking more clearly...

On our first day, 
my little family selected a trail to hike.
2.7 miles - one way.  
Moderate difficulty.
(Perhaps slightly more so, 
considering the condition of my knees!)

Anyway, the weather was slightly cool,
just perfect for a hike into the forest.

ONE MILE LATER and a tad bit higher in elevation,
we experienced an ever-so-slight change
in the weather.
Did I say slight?!

The temperature dropped considerably and 
it began to snow quite heavily.
This wouldn't have been a problem if we had expected
the shift, however we were NOT dressed for the occasion.

I packed mostly short-sleeved shirts, for goodness sake!
It was spring break, after all!

 In any case, isn't it beautiful?!

So, let me get to what brought you here in the first place...

Here's a simple scoot game I created to reinforce
telling time to the hour and half/hour.
A handful of my kiddos needed the additional practice.
12:30 and 6:30 seem to get them every.single.time.
I hope you enjoy it!
Go get it HERE

Please leave a comment if you are able to use it.
I'm driven by kind words.
Thank you and enjoy your weekend!

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