Friday, February 28, 2014

February Highlights and a Freebie

I'm linkin' up with the lovely people at
Teaching Blog Addict
for another
Friday Freebie.
Freebie Fridays

February was an absolute blur to me.
Somewhere between our study of 
Presidents' Day, 
dental health, 
and the 100th day of school, 
I got lost in all the shuffle.
Has that ever happened to you?

here are a few simple highlights 
from the month.
Not many... mind you,  
it's late and I'm just shy of collapsing.

Earlier this month, my sweet friends paused just a moment to pose in front of the "100"  displayed at the entrance of our K-1 hallway.

We were also blessed by a brief appearance by
the legendary Abraham Lincoln who cleared all of his morning appointments just so he could celebrate the 100th day with us!
Isn't he a cutie?!

Another February highlight is the completion of this silly George Washington 
"art" project, 
(if it qualifies as such).

I'll even provide the black-line master just to spare you any embarrassment by publicly requesting it in a comment.
That's just who I am.
Always looking out for my friends...

This project is best suited
for one of those nights 
when you simply don't have the time 
to cut apart
 hundreds of construction paper pieces... 
only to have your kids 
reassemble them the following day.

As lovely as those projects are, I don't always have the time.


he's my favorite!

Such an air of distinction,
don't you agree?

Get the blackline master here.

if you've made it this far...
I'm teaching the long i vowel sound
(spelled ie and igh)
next week.
Here's a literacy center
if you should need one.

Here's another peek...

This freebie is available right here.
If you find it useful, please be kind and leave a word of encouragement.
Thank you!

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