Friday, January 24, 2014

Math Tubs, Penguins, and a Freebie

Happy Friday, Everyone!

If you're like me, 
you'll simply never tire of hearing that phrase!  
At the end of a long week those three words honestly have the ability to add that extra "oomph" back into my step.
It's simply amazing, I tell ya.

before I get to the freebie, I have two or three things I'd like to share with you.  
If you've got the time, 
I promise to talk 
super fast. 

I've been teaching for 24 years and the resources that I've accumulated over time have all fit nicely into the filing cabinets in my classroom.
THEN, I discovered how to create my own 
activities, games, and printables 
and my filing system quickly ceased to be a "system" of any sort. 

So... I recently purchased these lovely tubs at the Big W
 where I probably paid too much 
(What am I saying?  I KNOW I paid too much!)
In any case, they made me happy and I had to have them.

Given the state of my filing cabinets, it made sense for me to organize my math centers first.  After a few hours one Sunday afternoon, I'm pleased to report they're now sorted into each of the 4 critical areas.  To categorize them a tad bit more, I used a sharpie to label each bag with the specific standard that the game/activity addresses.
With this method I'm finding that I can also identify the standards in each domain a wee bit better than before.


We've been studying penguins this week.
Like... who hasn't been?  :)
Here are two of our projects we completed.

My school didn't have the appropriately colored butcher paper to make a cutesie penguin KWL chart,
 so we improvised with this project.  
Each kiddo simply wrote two facts and I stapled it alongside his/her project.

Here's another...

along with a writing sample I collected, too.

This sweet girl writes...

Penguins can swim and they can lay eggs and they can slide on their bellies and they can huddle in groups when their parents are gone and the parents are gone for 60 days.  


I taught greater than/less than in math this week.
My lovely teacher friend across the hall shared this wonderfully fun activity with me.  Perhaps you've seen it...

The "kiddo engagement" meter was off the charts.
I'm thinking these wonderful projects she shares with me must be  related to her membership 
in the pudding club!


I'm linkin' up with

Freebie Fridays

with a fun center to practice the 
r-controlled vowel sound
-or and -ore.

You can find it HERE.
Enjoy your weekend, friends!

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