Friday, August 9, 2013

Back to School Linky Party... For Real!

I've survived an exhausting week of professional development stuff
You're nodding your head about now because 
you've suffered through 
some of those days, too.
Meetings in the morning. 
Meetings in the afternoon.
Conference calls at bedtime.
Nah... not really! 
It wasn't as terrible as all that... 
but close!
Sadly, next week is scheduled 
for more of the same.
To prepare, I'll need to triple my daily consumption of caffeine  and double those multi-vitamins.
At least.

In any case, I'm going to push through the exhaustion and 
link up with the sweet girls over at
for one of the sweetest linky parties!
 Let me just say I was blessed to have been paired with the sweet Carolyn over at 
If she didn't live so doggone 
(that's a southern synonym for dag-nabbit)
far away in New York I'm sure 
we would be best friends right about now.

Days later... look what the mailman 
(in this case, a lady) 
 brought to my door!
It's always a happy day when a beautiful package like this arrives at my house.
I mean, the bus clipart was so FUN!
Only a teacher would have thought of that!
My eyes were fixed on this delicious surprise as I shook my package a little to the left and 
I shook it a little to the right and 
I might even have danced just a bit...
 only after 
I made certain no one was looking.
Carolyn took the time to individually wrap all my goodies so I would not be overwhelmed by  such a vision of loveliness.
 And then I saw this.
(cue the angelic choirs)
This honestly rocked my world!
I have never received anything, and I mean anything as 
delicious as THIS.
Carolyn, your imagination knows no boundaries!

After I read the note and took the photo I might have embarrassed myself just a wee bit when I was forced to snatch a candy bar away from one teenage child and pried the peppermint patty out of the fingers of the other teenager. 
I mean... really?
What made them think this was for the family?
Silly children.

Rest assured,I did apologize to my kiddos before I dove right in to unwrap each delicious package.
They were allowed to watch - from a reasonable distance, of course.

My new best friend sent me 
the cutest notepad 
(I write LOTS of lists),  
a collection of dice for centers, 
a ladybug finger puppet 
(perfect for the story 
"The Grouchy Ladybug"),  
and more chocolate 
(like I could ever have too much?).
There were pencils and pens, too.  
Lovely writing utensils.
(How did she know I hoard these things?)
Carolyn even took the time to write a 
sweet little message for each prize.
Truly, y'all.  
I've been blessed!

Thank you again and again, Carolyn!
I'm so pleased to have had the opportunity 
to have made your acquaintance!
I can't wait to participate again next year!



  1. Wow! Your partner was so thoughtful! Love all the personalized touches!

    Thanks so much for participating and linking up!
    Ms. Smith
    Adventures of Ms. Smith

  2. Leslie, I had the best time picking out little goodies for you- and this post made me SO HAPPY that you liked them! You are right- we would be best buddies! I can just tell! It sort of made my day that your teenagers dove right into that candy! :)
    <3 Carolyn

  3. Hi Leslie,

    You blog is so darned cute! I just love it! I wanted to let you know that have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please go to

    Animal Crackers and Apple Juice

    to find out about the award. I too am an educator and we all deserve a pat on the back for our hard work and dedication. Congratulations for your hard work.
