Tuesday, July 9, 2013

It's Time...

I'm disappointed to report that 
it's that time of the year once again. 
It seems to arrive every summer at about this same time and as much as I believe at the end of May 
that I will NOT experience it this year... 
(not this year!)
 I can't seem to escape the fact that I'm bored with summer. 
You see, this summer has been a LOT of fun.
I've had lunch at my favorite restaurants with old friends, enjoyed late night movies with my children, visits with my parents, and early morning coffee with my dear hubby.  Yeah, the last six weeks have been so relaxing however, I'm ready for the structured part of life to return
 (the part that loves routine!).  
Isn't that just pitiful?!

So now my carefree days have been reduced to
 menial tasks like...
 cleaning the refrigerator,
(No, contrary to what you might have heard, the health department did NOT leave a flyer on my door allowing me an additional week to address this matter.)
organizing the linen closet, and
cleaning out closets.
This has simply got to stop.
Can anyone else relate?

One other matter...
About the only element of fun I've had in the last few days has been developing this card game that I'll introduce during the first few weeks of school.  It develops number sense, addresses the common core, and it's just plain fun, too.
If you need more information, click here.
 I'm giving away 4 copies for free.  
Be one of the first four to leave a comment and it's yours!
Don't forget to leave your email address!



  1. Your linen closet looks wonderful! can't wait to try your packet!

  2. I am so thrilled to have come across your TpT store and blog today! I also teach 1st grade, and I'm working on Reading Street materials for my classroom. I love your work! I'm now your newest follower :)

    Preslar's Place (www.mrspreslarsclass.blogspot.com)
