Saturday, June 8, 2013

Linkin' Up with Farley...

It's Currently time... and a FIRST for me!
for a FUN linky party that up til' now 
I've only been able to admire from afar.
Participating is so much more fun!

Here we go...
Listening - My teenage daughter is watching something too funny in the next room.  I need to go check that out real soon.  Who doesn't love to laugh?

Loving - visiting my parents more frequently.  I live next door to my parents who are both retired and keep crazy hours.  When I'm not restricted by my "school" schedule, we get together more often.

Thinking - about making reuben sandwiches for lunch tomorrow.  It's my turn to make something new and share it with my parents.  Yeah, the reuben is sounding better and better.

Wanting - to order several books from Amazon.  My "want" list is quite lengthy.

Needing - to paint the back door.  It's mocking me with each passing day because it realizes, too, that it's not likely to get done.

Vacay Essentials - We are, most likely, going to stay-cay at home this summer.  But IF I could go somewhere, it would be to the mountains without a doubt!

Now it's your turn to link up! 


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