Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Toad"ally Adjectives

We've been neck deep in our study of adjectives. 
Not knee deep.  I said neck deep.  
I'm told there's a slight difference.

In any case, I whipped up these 3 adjective activities 
for the following reasons...

#1 - My spring break officially ends tonight (insert sad face) and I wanted to go out the same way I went in...
 thinking about school stuff.

#2 - I find JOY in creating things for my classroom.

and finally...
#3 because one or two of my sweet friends need more practice.

Here's a sneak peek at 2 of the 3 games.

It's super cute and very inviting!
Your friends will think they're simply having fun!

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Be 1 of the first 4 to leave a comment and it's yours!
(You might want to follow my blog, too... just saying!    

You can also find this collection here.



  1. I need this!! My kiddos this year just haven't got the hang of adjectives. They toadally need something extra special!

  2. My kids too are struggling with adjectives. Found you on TPT as I am searching for teachers using Reading Street. We have adopted it for next year. Looking forward to seeing how you are using it. Thanks!

  3. This looks great for when I teach adjectives next year!
