Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Fact and Fiction Fun

Pinterest is an absolute addiction.   
It has a tendency to consume time I should be using to do laundry and prepare healthy dinners for my family.  
Sadly, though... it doesn't always happen that way but I'm told tomorrow will be better.

Recently, I made excellent use of my time when I pinned this project I found on 
I needed to teach the same concept but with a bee theme since my firsties are currently working on the Honey Bees story (Reading Street series).  

After we created our anchor chart, I asked my young friends to write the differences between the two.  Basically, this was a "just jot down what you remember" kind of assignment.
You can tell the author of this project was listening with BOTH ears.  
Under fact, she has written...
real, camera, (meaning the illustrations are made with a camera)
animals are not talking, to teach us something new
under fiction she has recorded...
make-believe, (illustrations are) drawn and colored,
animals talking
animals different colors
(we read) for fun.
By George, I think she's got it!
As for the art project, this bee is sporting a pink bow because she is a worker bee
 (and they're all female!). 



1 comment:

  1. I'm addicted to Pinterest, too! Love your blog! I'm nominating you for the Liebster Award. Here is the post with the info: Liebster Award

    Using My Teacher Voice
